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How to Prevent and Manage Diabetes

How to Prevent and Manage Diabetes

Based on the article by Carlos M Viana, a certified Clinical Nutritionist (C.C.N), Oriental Medical Doctor (O.M.D) Diabetes is a health condition that has been on the rise in the last few decades, thanks to the processed food industry, lack of balanced diets, hectic...

How Melatonin Helps Your Body Sleep Well?

How Melatonin Helps Your Body Sleep Well?

Most people that struggle with sleep disorders or occasional sleeplessness use melatonin supplements as a way to induce the feeling of drowsiness to help them fall asleep. But do you know exactly how melatonin works? and what it can do for your health? How does...

5 Tips to Make your Skin, Hair, and Nails Glow

5 Tips to Make your Skin, Hair, and Nails Glow

You may think that the only way to get glowing-looking hair nails and skin is by spending an entire day at the spa, but the truth is that there are simple ways in which you can take care of your skin, hair, and nails.Just follow these tips and make them look healthier...

FreeStyle Libre:  Kontrolá suku sin mester prik!

FreeStyle Libre: Kontrolá suku sin mester prik!

📣FreeStyle Libre awor nobo riba merkado i optenibel eksklusivamente na Nature’s Discount. 👉🏾 Kontrolá suku sin mester prik! ✔️ E sensor ta parti di un sistema kontinuo di monitor e suku di dia y anochi.✔️ E sensor ta chikí i por wòrdu pòni diskretamente abou di bo...

FreeStyle Precision Neo

FreeStyle Precision Neo

Kuida Bo Salu i kontrolá bo suku diariamente ku mashin pa midi suku Bo tin bo resèpt di strips of startpakket meter di dòkter? Manda esaki adelanta ku kopia karchi di SVB na Oduber Agencies su WhatsApp 522-9601